California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Request Form

If you are a California resident, you have certain rights regarding your personal information, including:

  1. Right to Know: You have the right to request that we disclose what personal information we collect, use, disclose, and sell about you. This includes the categories of information, sources from which we collect it, purposes for collecting and using it, third parties with whom we share it, and specific pieces of information we have collected about you.
  2. Right to Delete: You have the right to request that we delete any personal information we have collected from you. There are some exceptions to this right, such as when the information is necessary for us to comply with legal obligations or complete a transaction you initiated.
  3. Right to Opt-Out of Sale: You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information. "Sale" under CCPA has a broad definition and can include sharing data with third parties in exchange for something of value, even if no money is exchanged.
  4. Non-Discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights.

Please use the form below or call us at (877) 711-5088 to exercise your data privacy rights under CCPA.

We require all fields below filled out in order to identify you and perform actions your request specifies.

Request Type:

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13660 Wright Cir
Tampa, FL 33626

BBI Marketing Incorporated